
Monday, April 16, 2012

Somiglianze, differenze, e delle sentenze.

I would be very glad to learn of my fellow gli artisti, and to learn of our various similarities and differences! Also, I would be very interested to hear any judgments that people of different vedute artistiche may have.
  However, be forewarned, if one insists on being irrationally critical of my work, do not think I will hesitate to crack down on your own work and character, only tenfold! If one insists on making this a challenge, it will be my pleasure to oblige. Call it an...artistic challenge, if you will.

Friday, April 6, 2012

La statua Boccherini a Lucca, Italia

   This statua e memorial was erected in my città of Lucca, Italy, in the metà del 20 ° secolo. This statua is one of Lucca's most famous and beautiful tourist sports, and I feel honored to be remembered so proudly by the home that always remained in my heart.

 Daphne du Barry, and Gervais de Bedee. Boccherini. 2010. Sculpture. blogspot.comWeb. 6 Apr 2012. <>.


      This piece is one of my most famous pieces of musica da camera, written in 1771. For years, the music has been adapted for solisti to play the piece on their various strumenti, and it is still often played in its original format as musica da camera.

 Luigi Boccherini. Luigi Boccherini: Minetto (classical). 2008. Video. Youtube.comWeb. 6 Apr 2012. <>.

L'Infante Don Luis

   L'Infante Don Luis had an immense impact on my life and on my career. When I was in Madrid and in the favor but not yet the employ of King Charles III, I came across l'Infante and later composed six quartetti in his honor. In turn he arranged an appointment for me as a court composer for the royal family, a position which I kept for 15 years. This job granted me many pleasures , the best of which being that I was now able to truly dedicate myself to composing without having to financially or socially support my growing family and I. Having this support naturally also aided me in becoming a well respected musicista around Europe and the Americas. This man truly changed my life.

  Fransisco de Goya. Portait of the Infante Don Luis de Bourbon. N.d. Painting. art.comWeb. 6 Apr 2012. <>.

Filippo Manfredi

 In the 1760's, I was a member of a traveling quartetto, and in 1767 we met Filippo Manfredi, an Italian violinista, who joined the group. Manfredi and I later separated from the quartetto and formed a traveling duetto. We traveled around Paris and Italy, playing music and aiding each other in composing, and eventually we were stationed in Madrid, under the employ of the Spanish royal family as court composers. We shared each others artistic abilities and insights to reach a very high point in both of our careers, and he was a ottimo amico for many years.

 Bellora C.: Fillipo Manfredi. N.d. Photograph. centromusicaudine.itWeb. 6 Apr 2012. <;.

Madame Brillon de Jouy

   Madame Brillon de Jouy was a popular and well-connected musician in Paris in my youth. She was one of the truly brilliant harpsichordists in Europe at the time and a great contender for the arts. In the late 1760's, I was a frequent visitor at her home, and I will admit I was quite charmed by her talent and worldliness. In fact, I composed and dedicated my "Six Sonates pour Clavecin et Violon oblige, Opus 5" to her.

 Anne Louise Brillon de Jouy. N.d. Photograph. Portrait Gallery - Poor Richard's LameWeb. 6 Apr 2012. <>.

Il mio "Cello Concerto No. 3 in re maggiore"

This cello concerto is one of twelve that I have written. My intention was to display to the world the depths of possibility in the violoncello, because at the time, the violoncello was little more than a bass instrument intended for the stability of rhythm. Incredibilmente, with my contributions the instrument's notoriety increased immensely, and compositions began to be formed with the importance of the violoncello part taken into greater account.

 Luigi Boccherini. Boccherini Cello Concerto No.3 in D major, G.476 by David Geringas . 2010. Video. Youtube.comWeb. 6 Apr 2012. <