
Friday, April 6, 2012

L'Infante Don Luis

   L'Infante Don Luis had an immense impact on my life and on my career. When I was in Madrid and in the favor but not yet the employ of King Charles III, I came across l'Infante and later composed six quartetti in his honor. In turn he arranged an appointment for me as a court composer for the royal family, a position which I kept for 15 years. This job granted me many pleasures , the best of which being that I was now able to truly dedicate myself to composing without having to financially or socially support my growing family and I. Having this support naturally also aided me in becoming a well respected musicista around Europe and the Americas. This man truly changed my life.

  Fransisco de Goya. Portait of the Infante Don Luis de Bourbon. N.d. Painting. art.comWeb. 6 Apr 2012. <>.

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