
Monday, April 16, 2012

Somiglianze, differenze, e delle sentenze.

I would be very glad to learn of my fellow gli artisti, and to learn of our various similarities and differences! Also, I would be very interested to hear any judgments that people of different vedute artistiche may have.
  However, be forewarned, if one insists on being irrationally critical of my work, do not think I will hesitate to crack down on your own work and character, only tenfold! If one insists on making this a challenge, it will be my pleasure to oblige. Call it an...artistic challenge, if you will.


  1. Hello Luigi, I noticed that you seem like a very confident, prestigious artist, and I must say, I admire your attitude! I think if your work is great and you, along with the general public, know it, you should not carry yourself in a humble, modest fashion: you should embrace your talent and show it off for everyone to see! We are very alike in this department, and I respect any and every artist who is the same.

  2. Well, well, well. I must say although we are not in the same talent area, you being a musician, and me being a ballet, I have come to realize we have some things in common! I was raised among musicians, rather extraordinary ones if I do say, as well! It really opened up my mind into the arts at a very young age.

  3. Similarities: We were both musicians who were Italian.
    Differences: You played cello while I played violin.
    Judgements: You did good on your artifacts.

  4. vi ringrazio molto, signorina Behn! Your generous compliments put a great smile on my face. I certainly agree that one should carry oneself with pride if they have the talento e passione to be deserving of it.
    signor Beauchamp, I believe it is indeed of singular importance to come from a loving family that is capable of aiding your in your passioni, whatever it may be. It is a belief I have had my entire life.

  5. Ciao! I find it pleasing that we are both Italien and very beatiful people from the same time area. The only thing that stands out to me is our different styles of art. But as you may know musicians create music that dancers like myself dance to. I think it would fantastico if you composed a piece of musica that i could dance to!

  6. Signorina Campanini, I would consider it un privilegio!

  7. I do not know for certain how we are similiar because I do not see your interview where I could inquire more information. You are a musician which is a profession that I have always admired but never excelled in. I would love to hear you play sometime!

    1. I would love to play for you, signorina Grant! As for my intervista, it is a page not a post, and the link for it is at the top of my blog page. Spero che you enjoy reading it!
