
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Un ritratto. (A portrait) Approx. 1765

   This ritratto of me by the artist, Jean-Etienne Liotard; was made when I was about 23 years old. At that time I was very ambitious and excited to become a great and well-known composer and violoncellista. However, it was a period of shifting employment and bitter, distant travel to reach these jobs, and I suffered greatly from home-sickness. I had yet to find that grande opportunità  in my life, but my determination in this period is what aided me in reaching that point.

 Jean-Etienne Liotard. Jean-Étienne Liotard "Luigi Boccherini at the age of approx. 23 years". 1764/67. Photograph. 5 Apr 2012. <>.

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